If you discover that Tacoma squirrels are getting into your home, one of the areas to consider protecting is your
chimney. They are great climbers and usually prefer to stay in safe and dry place making them to prefer staying
in places like chimney, attic and other safe places in the house. Getting them out of chimney is not really easy
but it is possible. The question most homeowners normally ask about squirrel removal is whether repellents can get
them out of chimney. There are many types of commercial Washington squirrel repellents in the market today but most of them
are not really effectively in removing squirrel from chimney.
What You Must Know About Getting Squirrel Out Of Chimney with Repellent
Obviously, you may end up spending your money in vain when you try to get Washington squirrel out of your chimney using
repellents. This is because, most artificially formulated repellents are not effective in getting squirrel
scared from chimney. More so, the repellents can be hazardous to human health making it important for you not
to consider them useful when it comes to getting rid of Tacoma squirrel out of chimney.
Go For Odor Deterrent Predator Urine to Get Tacoma Squirrel Out Of Chimney
Instead of spending your hard earned money on artificially formulated chemicals used for repelling squirrel, the
best thing you need is natural predator urine. One thing about this is that it can make squirrel feel presence of
a predator right inside the chimney where they are. Adding to this, the chimney is a concentrated place making odor
deterrent more efficient and effective in getting rid of Washington squirrels out of chimney safety and securely.
Cover Your Chimney with a Guard to Prevent Squirrel from Coming Back
One thing you need to know that Washington squirrels will definitely love to get in and out of your home through chimney when they
find any attractive them in your home. But, you can prevent them by providing your chimney with covering or guard which
made of wire mesh. That can make them unable to get down to your house through the chimney or even to get out through
same way.
Provide Squirrels with Way of Escape in Your Chimney
You can equally provide Tacoma squirrel with way of escape through the chimney with a rope. Being that squirrels are good
climbers they will definitely follow the rope out of your chimney getting them out safety and effortlessly.
Visit our Tacoma wildlife removal home page to learn more about us.